Neon Tetra

So you’re interested in setting up an aquarium and need some ideas for which fish to choose?

If this is your first ever home aquarium, and you have never kept fish before, this article is going to be the best possible starting point. We have conjured up a list of 13 tropical freshwater fish, that are perfect for both beginners, and advanced fishkeepers alike. Why 13? Your guess is good as ours.
Before that, let’s take a  quick look at what constitutes a good freshwater fish for beginners.

What Makes A Fish Beginner Friendly?

The first thing you will learn about tropical fishkeeping is that every fish is different, and you can’t simply throw a bunch of them into a tank, and leave them be. There is a LOT more to it than that. When looking for beginner freshwater fish, you need a species that will tick a few boxes;
  • They are hardy, and can endure more tragic conditions. We know you will treat your fish as well as you can, but when filling your first aquarium, it’s a good idea to choose fish which can survive in less than optimal conditions and won’t be as threatened by changes in the water parameters. This gives you a little leeway, and more room for mistakes.
  • They are easy to care for. You are still learning, so don’t choose something that needs constant care and attention.
  • They are peaceful and get on with other fish. Different fish have different levels of aggression, and while some may live peacefully with other fish, some won’t, so it’s important to choose fish which will live together as a community, and don’t spend their time attacking and eating each other.
  • They will fit in your tank. Knowing the size in which a certain species of fish will grow is crucial when populating your tank. There is no point owning fish which can grow to be 2 feet long if your tank is only 2 feet wide itself. Most of the fish in this list will stay around 2 to 3 inches, making them perfect for the starter aquarium.

The 13 Best Freshwater Fish 
